Mattay 7:14 & Mattay 10:28

Mattay 7:14.How narrow is the gate and strict the way that leads to life, and few are those who find it!
Mattay 10:28 “And you shall not be afraid of those who kill the body that are not able to kill the soul; rather be afraid of him who can destroy soul and body in Gehenna.”

Friday, August 26, 2022

Mason's & Illuminati

Well with a closer look they do appear to be within each other it does seem. The best image though to me is one that states where the so called "common people" are

Freemasonry is within Illimunati structure

What this basically does show like I said is the "common people" and you tell me how many of us are there verses these organizations? Messiah trained and a working class person people, a carpenter's son raised as. Even King David chosen by Almighty God was from family and was working class a shepherd boy. Some ancient text I did see glimpse of said I think the 7th son? the youngest. Yet did something.. that made him what? common but killed the giant with a sling shot stone to head.. now let me see if can find video I saw way back re that..brb

Sling Shot Vs Guns Power recap start at 5:46 to end no law agains sling shots huh?

This image is the image of the structure of the masons, did they know the full structure of things? Is it even taught to them masons??

:Link to Mason Image

It would not surprise me that it isn't taught either. All people tend to hide things. Almighty God is Creator of all, not just the so called top hierarchy. Then of course I have mentioned not to close doors, when Almighty God does make the call for real truth, many will leave follow Messiah and choose the simple concerned for eternity not what is on this earth.

Mattay 10: 28 “you shall not be afraid of those who kill the body that are not able to kill the soul; rather be afraid of Him who can destroy soul and body in Gehenna.

So I sent the link for law enforcement badges representing masons etc for people to recognize.

Law Enforcement Badges to Recognize

Common citizens need to learn to recognize this bold in your face display!! They serve Satan. We need a new badge made!!!!!!!!!!!! Representing Almighty God Messiah in flesh to boldly display!! Gospels said 3 wise men were sent.. so we have them here somewhere!!! hahaha "Chosen People" comes to mind pop!!